--- Jon Gabriel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I do believe that since our scientific capacities
> and capabilities are 
> increasing each day (and with them, our knowledge of
> the universe) that it 
> is perfectly possible and imo, likely that science
> will one day identify 
> God.  But I don't personally need such proof to
> believe that God exists or 
> see his handiwork.  I see God in everything from the
> intricate details of an 
> insect's wing to the complexity of the human hand. 
> But I can't *prove* it.  
> I just *know*.  That's my faith.  And I honestly
> don't care who disagrees with me. :)

Great big ditto, right down to the 'marvelous human
hand - behold!' which, when I truly think of what
'lies behind' it, inspires such awe that I get
goosebumps.  "Mirabile dictu" indeed!

Semantics/clarification: do you mean *know* in the
sense that it's a bone-deep certainty which you
_believe_, despite no "scientific proof?"  That is my
own sense of my faith/belief.  So it's more of a
sensation or feeling than "hard knowledge."  A RL
kind-of-analagous situation is loving another person,
and *knowing* that they love you in return; that's
really more a deep belief, since we truly cannot know
exactly what the other is thinking/feeling, except by
how they behave.  We might be dead wrong - humans can
be very good at deceiving others as well as
themselves.  But I nevertheless *know* that my parents
and friends love me, just as they *know* how I love

Doug wrote:
>> I would say that the burden of proof is on those
who claim that something exists despite a complete
absence of credible evidence.

>> Question for yourself and the rest of the believers
on the list: If you believe in a god, why?  What
convinced you?<<

>From my own POV (not claiming that my experience is
applicable to anyone else), the first statement is a
complete non sequitur#:  the Divine does not require
me to prove Ers existence -- and I have no desire or
need to convert anyone to my personal belief, so I
don't need to "prove it" to another person either. 
# This might not be the right Latin phrase here - I
just mean that this is an issue not even 'on my radar
screen.'  From my Lutheran background comes "Faith
alone," which I have expanded to encompass the entire
Divine-mortal relationship;  this is *not* what M
Luther himself meant, as he was referring to how one
is "justified" before God (by faith - in Jesus, in the
divine sacrifice -- not by "good works."  This was all
in the context of his indignation over the selling of
indulgences, and the corruption of what he thought
ought to be the relationship between an individual man
and God, etc.).

So my own belief is based on my experiencing the
Divine in "numinous moments."  These aren't visions,
or voices, or the sensation that Somebody Is Watching
Me (the latter do occur, but then the somebody is
another human who has set off my "Danger, Will
Robinson!" sense).  Mine are moments of profound
connectedness to others or a place; they can be joyous
or grievous; I may be alone or with others; I may have
'invited' the experience by meditating, or it may
simply occur suddenly, without any effort on my part. 
So nothing "convinced" me or "proved that God Existed"
to me; I just experience(d) -- profound connectedness.

This is, I am sure, an unsatisfying response to one
who does not experience such moments.  I'm sorry that
I can't parse it out for you better - I truly would if
I knew how.  

But to those who say "how comforting it must be to
believe that Somebody is looking out for you - like
daddy or mommy" --oh, not at all.  The Divine Presence
has nothing to do with safety, or wealth, or
certainty.  It is a constant challenge to try to see
the Divine in the world and each other, to live as if
I can always sense the interconnection, when so often
I just want to 'smack some sense into that fool head!'
I have to commit *daily* to what I say I believe, WRT
how to interact with others;  my belief requires that
I respond to 'my corner of the world' as if I and
others are part of the Divine.  And as I've written
before, I scream (silently!) at the Divine on a
regular basis, b/c so many things/situations in this
world just STINK.  

I do not 'worship out of fear or a desire to please.' 
Like numinous moments, I sometimes consciously choose
to 'address the Divine,' and sometimes it's just a
spontaneous outpouring of delight, as unexpected as
sudden laughter.  I don't believe in a physical hell;
I think hell is complete disconnection from the Divine
(and thus from everything).  I have no idea what
'heaven' might be, or what might happen to my
consciousness/spirit/soul after I die -- and frankly
_it_doesn't_ matter_.  It's how I live *now* and
whether some part of the world is a better place for
my being in it that's important.

My belief system doesn't make me superior to anyone,
or more knowledgable; I don't have to belong to some
exclusive "club" to gain self-worth.  And whenever I
do become presumptuously over-proud, sooner or later
something happens that reminds me quite forcefully
just how wrong or foolish I can be; I call this
"karmic slappage."  ;)  But I don't think this is
'punishment from God;'  I do have friends who believe
that "everything happens for a reason," and somehow
they seem to find comfort in believing that some
terrible thing that happened in their life is a
lesson, or trial to be overcome.  If I thought that,
I'd basically want to 'smack the Divine upside o' th'
head' for such cruelty!  >:-/  I don't have an
explanation for why bad things occur, except that shit

Yet we live in a marvelous world, with such a variety
of living things:  snow algae!  tube worms at volcanic
vents in the bottom of the sea!  terns that migrate
practically Pole-to-Pole!  wildebeasts in their
herds-of-thousands!  and us...the singing apes.  All
of us made out of stardust.  
Frickin' *amazing*...

If I Claim To Be A Heretic Lutheran Deist, Will You
Call Me A Witch? Maru  ;)

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