--- Ronn!Blankenship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Julia Thompson wrote:
> >[...] if a certain friend of mine
> >had gotten pregnant (and she was doing everything
> she could to prevent it)
> Why do I get the impression that "everything she
> could do" did not include celibacy?
> Just Wondering Maru

Are you saying that anyone who doesn't want to have
children should refrain from ever having sex?  Even if
they're married?  And what of those who haven't found
a permanent partner; are they to be denied this aspect
of their humanity for a lifetime?  (I personally don't
think that 'going it solo' is a good substitute for a
caring, intimate relationship.)

I think abstinence is correct until one is a
responsible adult (for emotional and physical reasons
at least), and then if one is 'called' to celibacy
that is one's choice to make.  Even in the animal
world, sex is not only for procreation, especially
among the 'higher' mammals.  

Not At All In Favor Of Casual Sex, BTW Maru

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