At 04:04 PM 11/2/03 -0600, Julia Thompson wrote:

On Sun, 2 Nov 2003, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

> At 10:50 AM 11/2/03 -0600, Julia Thompson wrote:
> >[...] if a certain friend of mine
> >had gotten pregnant (and she was doing everything she could to prevent
> >it)
> Why do I get the impression that "everything she could do" did not
> include celibacy?
> Just Wondering Maru

Actually, it did at that time. That, *plus* birth control pills.

But there was always the possibility of rape, which she was paranoid about
at the time.  Something about having been molested by someone she trusted
fairly recently at that time.  And she was concerned enough about it to
talk to me about it all.

Umm . . . I was being a smart aleck, expecting the answer to be that she was already married at the time. I did briefly consider the possibility that she was single and paranoid about rape, but not in the sense that she had any special _reason_ to be paranoid. My problem is that I don't usually think of such things: I know that they happen, but they're just not something that comes to mind first. Or even second.

A couple of years later, the problem had corrected itself, and she has a
daughter now.

That is great!

Open Mouth, Insert Foot Maru

-- Ronn! :)


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