From: "The Fool" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: christian dreams of murder...
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2003 14:30:32 -0600

> From: Jon Gabriel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >From: William T Goodall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >On 14 Nov 2003, at 6:19 pm, The Fool wrote:
> >
> >>>From: Ronn!Blankenship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>
> >>>I withdraw my earlier question.  You clearly are either drunk or on
> >>>drugs.
> >>
> >>I didn't write this, a christian fantatic wrote it.  It show the way
> >>people think they can achieve their fascist theocracy goals.  No.
> >>No.
> >
> >Maybe you should make more use of "xxx" or 'xxx' or `xxx` and also
> >>xxx
> >and then it would be clearer which bits were written by a fanatic :)
> It really would have been nice if he had posted the full intro from
> Byron, rather than just alluding to it and brushing it aside.   But
> would have diluted Fool's message, I guess. Sort of funny coming from
> someone who constantly rails against the 'fascist thought police' and
> 'manipulation of the truth'.

I gave a link to it.  This nut goes on to describe a viscious coup
attempt in vivid detail, mapping out which particular people need to be
killed in detail, listing their names.  He says specifically that he
thinks about this a lot.  Then he says don't do this this would be bad,
wink wink, nod nod.

Oh, please.

He's quite clear in the intro that it's a work of fiction. A 'wink wink nod nod' scenario would have been a single line which said 'Of course, I don't support this.' Instead, he wrote three quite honest-sounding paragraphs explaining his position. IMO, you're drawing conclusions that have no evidence to support them. And, just because someone writes something doesn't mean they are advocating it, and to imply they are with (I repeat) _no evidence_ is the worst kind of thought police manipulation of reality.

Out of curiosity, do you object to Tom Clancy novels? After all, they contain plausible scenarios by which our country and government heads could be attacked by all sorts of terrorists, resulting in the deaths of millions.


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