--- ritu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oh, I do. The first book of his I read, one of his
> characters implied,
> somewhere in the first 50 pages, that Indira Gandhi
> was assassinated
> because India is such an awful place that her own
> security guards had no
> choice but to kill her. The officer wound up his
> rumination with:  'I am
> so glad I live in a country where I am not forced
> into killing the man I
> swore to protect, where I can take pride in my
> country and its leaders.'
> That was it. No way on earth was Clancy ever seeing
> another penny earned
> by me.
> Ritu

You're thinking of someone else.  I've read every
Clancy book except the most recent one and in no book
has he ever made such a statement, and I can't imagine
that he said that in the most recent one.  He's the
most arrogant person I've ever met, and he doesn't
seem to like India much, but he's never said such a

He has discussed the Gandhi assassination, but only in
the context that it was the ultimate betrayal from the
viewpoint of a Secret Service agent - which is what
they think of that assassination, it was a quite
accurate portrayal of those thoughts.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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