----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ronn!Blankenship" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2003 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: Scouted: Environmentalism is Evil and Must Be Destroyed

At 11:28 AM 12/21/03, Robert Seeberger wrote:

> >
>*Note: Not a defense of smoking*
>[You may now return to the discussion which is already in progress]
>Do any of you who get "ill" (Not sarcastic quote marks, I use them to mark
>the difference between actual sickness and the kind of illness I am
>around tobacco smoke get ill around other types of smoke?


I had asthma as a child, though I eventually outgrew it.  I still have
allergies to various inhaled irritants.  There have been numerous occasions
when I went into a room and my nose and sinuses start running, my eyes
start itching, swell, turn red, tear up, and close to the point I just
about can't see at all, etc., and only then when I look for the cause do I
discover that someone is or has been smoking in the room.  The same thing
happens _some_ cats, rabbits, and other furry animals:  if I handled such
an animal, I would get the above symptoms, plus itchy hives on my face and
neck, and would have to take my allergy medication, then take a hot bath
and put on clean clothes.  Fortunately, I have gotten less sensitive to
fur-Midnight was on my lap when I started typing this reply-though
sometimes I still get a bit of irritation when I play with some cats (no
obvious pattern as to whether they are mostly indoor or outdoor,
long-haired or short-haired, etc.)  Sometimes I have had a similar reaction
when going into a fabric store.  Some types of pollen and dust cause me
misery as well.  Other things do bother me as well, although it does seem
that, like the furry animals, I have gotten less sensitive to some of them
as I have gotten older.


Two of my younger brothers had serious allergies. And one of them seemed to
be allergic to everything.
I used to suffer seasonally from hay fever so bad that my face would swell
and I had terrible headaches.
The funny thing is, when I started smoking that all ceased. I never get
"bad" allergies anymore.
I suppose the smoke is keeping my system distracted.<G>

Weird Science Maru


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