At 10:14 PM 1/5/2004 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>In a message dated 1/3/2004 6:30:47 PM Eastern Standard Time,
>> That's funny.... and ironic.   My Dad recently accused me of always seeing
>> sinister motivations among the right, and being far quicker 
>> to criticize
>> conservatives lately than liberals.
>Well we all have different  relationships with our dads. Rest assured I
have never seen you to be hard on conservatives. Could you give us an
example of being hard on conservatives on list?

I think that it is important for you to remember, however, what an
ideological bubble Brin-L is.

For example, I am probably considered by most the be the most "religious"
person on this List.   Yet, I am a Catholic... which instantly points out
that we have no Evangelicals on this List.    Moreover, as a Catholic, I am
fairly middle-of-the-road by many measures.   I don't, for example, attend
Daily Mass - which is generally the first mark of the truly "conservative"
Catholics.   A good example of this - I disagree pretty strongly with the
Catholic Church on the issue of "contraception" and disagree with certain
Vatican statemets on homosexuals in the priesthood."    Yet, we don't talk
about these things here because I highly doubt that there is anyone on this
List who wants the defend the Catholic Church's teaching on contraception
nor advocate a ban on homsexuals in the priesthood.

While this example comes from the religious side of the spectrum, it
highlights the general trend with Brin-L.    The vast majority of Brin-L
posters on political disscussions are far left to center-left.   Thus, it
becomes an ideological bubble where very little of the debates on the right
take place, except for maybe an occasional disagreement between Gautam and
I.   Yet, there is no one on this List who is regularly reposting the
articles and views of conservatives like Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Pat
Buchanan, John Derbyshire, etc. whom I disagree with all of the time.
Thus, when debates are kept solidly on the far-left to center-left, the
disagreements on the right never really show up.

Lastly, it is worth noting that I am essentially a neoconservative, and
thus the Bush Administration is like a dream come true for me - to the
extent the real politicians can fulfill dreams.   I would never have
imagine five years ago that we would have a President capable of giving the
"axis of evil speech" - let alone so many other incredible speeches.
Likewise, in sort of the same way that Bill Clinton was called by some
liberals "our first black President", when I hear Bush talk about the
"Culture of Life", I feel like we similarly have our nation's "second
Catholic President."    On several other issues like
faith-based-initiatives, immigration reform, Social Security, and space
exploration, Bush gets extremely high marks from me.   Thus, when Bush is
essentially everything I could hope for in a President - you just aren't
going to see a lot of criticism of the Bush Administration in particular
from me.   However, Bush has plenty of his criticis on the right - just
listen to talk radio some day.   Of course, here on Brin-L the idea of Bush
being attacked on the right is almost inconceivable, so again, you never
seen these sorts of things. 

JDG - Now, if he could just balance the budget in the second term......
John D. Giorgis         -                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
               "The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
               it is God's gift to humanity." - George W. Bush 1/29/03

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