In a message dated 1/13/2004 4:03:35 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
At 09:48 PM 1/12/2004 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>So why didn't Bush immediately demand that the leak about Plame,
attributed to a white house source, be investigated? Doesn't sound like
upholding laws to me.  

He did.   John Ashcroft recently recused himself from that very same probe.
John - The story broke in July. That is when the probe should have occurred. 
Bush did not instigate the investigation. He did not (on the surface at least) 
fight it. Ashcroft recused himself well into the investigation. Since by 
defiintion it had to entail some of his friends and colleagues (Rove ran one of 
his campaigns I believe) whyd didn't he do it earlier. 

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