In a message dated 1/11/2004 9:03:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> >Yeh, kind of like lying about affairs.
> So?   Clinton had a much higher responsibility, like to "faithfully uphold
> and defend" the laws of the United States.

And lying about an affair in what way significantly way precludes him from faithfully 
upholding and defending the laws of the US? We seem back in absolute morality 
territory here John. So why didn't Bush immediately demand that the leak about Plame, 
attributed to a white house source, be investigated? Doesn't sound like upholding laws 
to me.  
> Rush is just a talk radio show host, who has said a lot of intersting
> things in his life that had nothing to do with drugs.   There is nothing
> about what he was doing with drugs that at all affects the 
> validity or
> interesting nature of his opinions.
Yes he had done lots of interesting tghings including being married several times. As 
to his opinions, they of course do extend beyond the merely political to all sort of 
life issues. So I think the fact that he used drugs illegally hid his illegal drug 
use, that he gave some lame excuse, that he is trying to hide behind some legal 
manuevers all indicate that he does not behave in any way that approximates his public 
stance on morality etc. One's views do not have to jibe with one's actions but people 
who behave like this are by definition hypocrites. 

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