----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John D. Giorgis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 7:48 PM
Subject: Re: Double Standards on Regional Bigotry

> At 06:50 PM 1/14/2004 -0600 Robert Seeberger wrote:
> >If one were to converse with working class people in the south, I
> >think one would find that voting habits are not something that a
> >of thought is given to, and that justifications for ones voting
> >are mostly fatuous rationalizations, even though they are sincerely
> >believed.
> >AFAIK, this is probably true everywhere (though the situational
> >premises would be different).
> Come on, why need to bring ignorance into the equation?

If I were making a claim for ignorance, I certainly would have said
There may be some element of obtuseness, intentional or otherwise.
And it doesn't apply only to republicans. I would think that was
clear, even though I was pointing my premise toward a particular
series of historical events where the republicans profited at the
expense of democrats.

My statements should not be taken as a slam of the republicans, but as
an "additional" influence that caused their preeiminence in the south.

> 1) Voting tendencies among adults tend to be "sticky" over time.
> the old phrase "you can't teach an old dog new tricks."    Most
> don't change their political views later in life.
> 2) Voting tendencies are correlated with the voting tendencies of
> parents.    Children learn values from their parents, and these
> often translate into voting preferences.
> 3) People in the South are much more likely to be Evangelical
> than people in the North.    Republicans agree with Evangelical
> on a number of key issues, including Abortion, Legal Recognition of
> Homosexuality,and the importance of promoting abstinence and

1 and 2 say pretty much what I was saying.

3, I might word differently, changing its meaning a bit, but I would
agree that it is essentially true with either wording.

> But of course, this being Brin-L, Republicans are guilty of
> that Democrats are very much above and beyond.

Now John, don't let the extremes typify your opinion of the average.
We know there is enough guilt to go around and be shared by everyone.
Unless anyone here considers themselves or their "side" to be lily

> JDG - Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, Maru

Don't You have Any White People To Criticise Honky? Maru


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