I'm moving into the foothills this week - a situation
presented that involves taking care of 5 Arabians and
their barn, with a caretaker apt (that is at least as
big as the place I'm in now) attached.  
<reverent mode>  Manna from heaven.  Truly.

So I'm frantically sorting and purging, and must now
ask the computer-saavy here what I should have last
I've been given 2 computers for home use (primarily
I'll use for word processing and a little email, don't
care about games or fancy graphics; use the T1 line at
the office for serious research):

-Macintosh Performa 6220CD/75  16/1 GB
-Hewlett Packard Pavillion 6535 "designed for Windows
98," w/ Intel Celeron sticker

I'm thinking the HP, especially since I haven't worked
with a Mac before - any opinions?  
(Or merely hysterical laughter?  ;} )

Books-gifts received: to read or not to
-Greg Bear's _Slant_ (inclined to try unless told to
-L. Neil Smith's _Bretta Martyn_ (going to pitch
unless it gets *significantly* better than the first 3
chapters - tiresome decadent old lizards with nekkid
virtual-slave female 'servants' --oh, pu-LEEZ).

I will be checking my email every few days, but won't
have time to do much interacting/non-urgent research
until I've completed the move.


She Who Must Now Pack At Warp Speed Maru   ;)

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