----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Deborah Harrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "brinl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 4:08 PM
Subject: Moving: Irregulars & book questions

> Books-gifts received: to read or not to
> read/keep/move?
> -Greg Bear's _Slant_ (inclined to try unless told to
> toss)

Its quite good once the story gets moving.

> -L. Neil Smith's _Bretta Martyn_ (going to pitch
> unless it gets *significantly* better than the first 3
> chapters - tiresome decadent old lizards with nekkid
> virtual-slave female 'servants' --oh, pu-LEEZ).

It would make more sense if you have read Henry Martyn beforehand, but
it is also quite good and shows how good Smith can be when he wants

BTW, Smith lives near Ft Collins, Co. He's a pretty nice guy if you're
not discussing politics or philosophy thereof, but that's not all that
common an occurrence. <G> (The guy is definitely a "true believer")

Recommends The Crystal Empire Maru


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