
-Macintosh Performa 6220CD/75 16/1 GB

This is a really old, really slow machine with hardly any memory or disk space. Even in its day, this was only a middling Mac. Despite my status as a dedicated Mac zealot for most of the 20 years they've been around, I wouldn't recommend this machine. It's based on the first-generation PowerPC chip, and it only runs at 75MHz, meaning it's at least ten times slower than a decent Mac today. My own 266MHz beige PowerMac mostly sits around collecting cat hairs because it's just too slow. Really, I wouldn't even recommend giving it to a school or other non-profit, it's so anemic.

-Hewlett Packard Pavillion 6535 "designed for Windows
98," w/ Intel Celeron sticker

This one has (I think) a 466MHz processor, which is about half the speed of a mid-range PC today. Again, despite the fact that I worked at Apple for seven years and still "bleed six-color blood," I'd go for the HP (where I *also* worked for seven years, but it's just not the same...) in a minute.



 David M. Land         [EMAIL PROTECTED]             408-551-0427
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