> Ronn!Blankenship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Deborah Harrell wrote:

> >I'm moving into the foothills this week.... 
> >So I'm frantically sorting and purging,
> (Possibly) Dumb question:  Why, if the new place is
> at least as big as what you have now?

<cha-grin> Umm, because I have *piles* of journals
that I've been meaning to scan/sort/read, not to
mention a box or 4 of stuff that was supposed to be
sorted through from the *last* move...I don't want to
move all of it again!

Rob, David, Erik, Dave -- thanks for the input; will

whose younger cat thinks all the boxes and bags are
fun new hiding & pouncing features, but whose older
cat obviously remembers something of the last move,
and is rather anxiously pacing about, looking perturbed

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