Jim Sharkey wrote:
> Robert Seeberger wrote:
> >What is really bizarre about this thread is that everyone seems
> >to basically agree about "Gay Marriage".  This focus on
> >microscopic points of difference is amazingly like a Monty Python
> >sketch.  Maybe the listname should be changed to "The Argument
> >Clinic".
> No it shouldn't.  :-D
> Jim
> Python, still funny after 30+ years Maru

I remember my father watching Monty Python when I was little and too
young to get the jokes.

And my senior year of high school, one of the local broadcast channels
showed Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and we all sat in the den with
that on.  Nothing like being 18 and in the same room with your mother
during the Castle Anthrax bit....


but that was *nothing* compared to the discussion about sex in the
Japanese restaurant...

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