From: "Mike Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Bryon Daly said:

> That said, while the MA SJC ruling is an amazing
> breakthrough, I wonder if it will in some ways harm the gay
> marriage cause almost as much as help it.

I've thought about this too, and I've come down on the side of "So what?"

Would Rosa Parks have sat tight if she'd thought, I wonder if this might set
the cause back as much as it helps it? Sometimes, you just have to say, What
the Eff...

Yes, it's easy for me to say "it would have been better if only this waited a little longer and was better timed...", when it's not affecting me personally. But it doesn't really matter, because everyone has to play out the hand that's been dealt, whether the timing is good or not. I brought it up because I thought it was an interesting thought.

> My other timing concern is that this is happening right in
> the middle of the presidential election cycle.  The current

I thought gay marriage was going to be a huge issue, but the Democrats are
cutting and running too. I could be wrong, though that's never happened
before, but I think this is going to fizzle as an issue and a constitutional
amendment is DOA. Nobody wants to go near this. Denial will buy time and
serve gays well. I think there's a tipping point coming soon.

I kind of perceived that the Dems were cutting and running as well. My concern was that it would lead to a weak fight against proposed laws/amendments. I agree that a US constitutional amendment is likely DOA, but am not so sure about what may be possible at the state level. As an election issue, though, I suspect it might have some effect. Perhaps you are right that denial will buy time, though.

It's also possible that once the nation starts seeing the state-sanctioned gay marriages in MA start to happen, with lots of positive media spin, and the failure of Armageddon to immediately occur and destroy the world, that okayness with it might greatly broaden.


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