Well I have to weigh in here at some point...

Travis, I really hve to disagree with your analysis of
Nirvana. When they hit it big I was in the perfect
place to become a fan: I was in HS. And indeed I did
become a fan, bought the records, wore the t-shirt,
talked about what body organs I would sell to see them
in concert. But of all the bands I listened to at that
time that I still have records of, Nirvana is not on
my list. So for me I would disagree its a nostalgia
thing, because for me Nirvana WOULD be nostalgia. And
I agree with the others: the music was catchy but
lacked depth, the lyrics nihilistic but with no real
message. Dave Grohl was the best member of that band,
and although I'm not a big fan of his, I'd much rather
listen to the Foo Fighters than Nirvana any day...

Damon "but I still have my Soundgarden record..."

Damon Agretto
"Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum."
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