Kevin Tarr:

> In fact, it wasn't a job transition. He retired; he retired because he
> wasn't offered a better job. You think the public wouldn't notice if he
> dissed the president when he quit and they retaliated by canceling his
> pension or some such?

Many people retire from government and then go straight into jobs working
for companies that work with/for the government. WhereI worked, a friend of
mine took early retirement, and then worked almost 15 years for another
firm.  I wasn't able to pick up his age, but his resume indicates that he's
probably still in his '50s or early '60s at most.

Dan M.

What does this prove? That he made kissy sounds to the pres because he wanted a cushy lobbyist job; when that didn't happen he wrote a damning book that the lemony fresh media would lap right up?

Not trying to argue too much about this. Just tired of the people going into masturbatory frenzy when they believe the TRVTH is finally revealed; that the veil will be ripped from the doubters eyes; that they were right all along!

Kevin T. - VRWLC
And now, a bed

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