At 09:26 PM 28/03/04 -0800, you wrote:
Kevin wrote:

What was in the articles, the apology?

The fact that the book was published by an affiliate of CBS.

So Rice had no idea what/who Al Quedia was even though she gave a speech about them a year before?

'sfunny how a person can write a book and everything in it is Credible and the Trvth, but the response is all slander and character assassination.

Its funny how people believe what they want to belive despite mountians of evidence to the contrary.

There is an interesting deep conflict here. Bush is considered to be (and might be) the worst president in US history. But he is also our tribal leader (and will be supported as such) in a time when the US tribe was attacked.

Ah, things were less complicated in the Pleistocene. In those times, in fact through Biblical times, the accepted approach to tribal wars was for the winner to kill all the opposition males and take the females on as extra wives. That's no longer politically correct.

Keith Henson


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