At 12:26 AM 3/29/2004, you wrote:

Kevin wrote:

What was in the articles, the apology?

The fact that the book was published by an affiliate of CBS.

So Rice had no idea what/who Al Quedia was even though she gave a speech about them a year before?

'sfunny how a person can write a book and everything in it is Credible and the Trvth, but the response is all slander and character assassination.

Its funny how people believe what they want to belive despite mountians of evidence to the contrary.


So the people watching 60 minutes went a whole week without this information. 10.5 million households watched the show. There are (were) 99 million households. Let's say 15-20 million viewers. Do they all read newspapers? The odds are against that but even if they did; did they all see these articles stating that fact?

Does this point matter? I'm not comparing it to (whatever network) putting explosive devices on trucks when showing a report about fuel tank safety. I doubt the book sales got a bounce from the show. Heck, I would believe CBS if they say it didn't matter, that the interview was done because the subject is important and it didn't matter who the publisher was. Yet in this day and age of full disclosure; of many other non-credible pseudo links being exploited from molehills into mountains; this little fact should have been up front.

No real argument against the other point? One (of many) mistrvth is okay because the real story! is there for everyone to see?

Kevin T. - VRWLC
Doug, meet Mr. Pot

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