On 27 May 2004, at 3:40 am, Kevin Tarr wrote:

What part of America or UK are you talking about? When I saw this, I imagined the party capital of South America. Like saying, they are based in Houston, but yada-yada in New Orleans (or Galveston). I'd certainly go to Rio, and I wouldn't care* if all the women were lesbians if everyone is in a constant state of undress.

*Saying I wouldn't notice why I'm not having any luck striking up a conversation. My batting average would be the same at a poetry reading full of lesbians with their SOs or a bar full of hetrosexual women just released from prison.

Women are easier to pick up than fleas! When I go out with Mrs Wife I regularly get accosted by women who want to chat me up and pretend she isn't there at all.

"Are you together?" "Can I touch your hair?"


And before I met Mrs Wife ?censored? and etc.

There is a surplus of women after all...10% of men are gay, and only 2% of women - so there is 1 in 15 women can't find a man in a given generation...

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