On Thu, Jun 17, 2004 at 10:49:19AM +1000, Andrew Paul wrote:

> Firstly you are suggesting that logical thought applies in these
> situations.

That is because logical thought applies to reality. I'm not suggesting
it applies to all Iranians, obviously, or to you, equally obviously.

> But regardless of that, you equate sane to logical, w


> Secondly, your attitude to the leaders of Iran is exactly the reason
> why they probably feel the need for nuclear weapons. You are implying
> that the only sane Iranians want a stable democratic government.


> Cant we accord them the right to choose their own government?


By "them" I assume you are talking about the majority of the people. So
you are suggesting we overthrow the Iranian government which obviously
does not follow the will of the people. I don't see a reasonable way to
do that.

Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

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