On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 10:44:01 -0500, JDG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 07:30 AM 1/15/2005 -0800 Nick Arnett wrote:
> >I find Brad's predictions of ugliness reasonable, considering the
> >administration's starting point.
> Of course you do.....    you're not exactly a non-partisan yourself.

Pot - Kettle, Kettle - Pot

> >I hear Bush warning us of financial
> >instruments of mass destruction and I remember how lousy the analysis
> >was the last time he offered a big warning about mass destruction.  Fool
> >me once, shame on me...
> Oh good grief.    Does noone in the Democratic Party have any shame?
> Don't Democrats feel just a little dirty when their position on Social
> Security changes 180 degrees based on which Party is in the White House?

Clinton said that while he had a surplus now was the time to look at
SS again to insure long-term solvency.  This was another triangulation
attempt which of which Clinton was a master.   There has not been a
180 degree turn because he did not propose going 15 trillion in debt
to avoid a lesser amount of debt decades off and to reduce benefits
paid including new privatized accounts 40% according to Glldman Sachs
independent economists analysis of option 2 - which everyone is using
as a proxy for the Bush plan.

> Of course it is.    The GOP is simply better at manipulating the "big
> media."    It couldn't actually be that a majority of this country agrees
> with Republican Ideas and disagrees with Democratic Ideas, could it?

Actually, even GOP Gallup has the public agreeing with Democratic
positions much more than the extremists who have taken control of the

> JDG - Delusional, Maru.....

Gary Denton

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