Doug Pensinger wrote:
> Robert wrote:
>> Is there any evidence that politicos sub-universally have the kind 
>> of
>> respect for the Constitution that you are implying?
>> For all we know they all wipe their asses with it, step on it, and
>> flush it down the toilet while laughing maniacally. (Re: Abuses of
>> the Koran at Gitmo)
>> I expect that everyone reading this (sans the Echelon/Predator
>> monitors) actually does have *that* kind of respect to one degree 
>> or
>> another. But to expect such of career polititions is a decided leap
>> of faith.
>> Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
>> Cum tacent, clamant !
>> xponent
>> The Devils Advocate Game Maru
>> rob
> Weather or not they do respect it, it is their sworn obligation to 
> do
> so and we expect it of them.
> I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the
> Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my
> Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United
> States.''

I agree, but I'm thinking that such an attitude partakes of more than 
a smidgen of idealism. I'm thinking a bit more cynicism and 
realpolitik might:

1 tone down the declaiming

2 get better people elected in the first place

I don't think the people on this list are all that misled (as compared 
to the population in general). IMO it is "single issue politics" that 
has gotten us in the situation we are in, and it plays on both sides. 
This "follow the leader" game is a big mistake and I wish more people 
could see it.
If I can forgive Clinton for lying under oath and for instituting 
Extrordinary Rendition as policy, then Bush has to partake of some 
similar degree of a pass if I am not to see myself as a partisan 

Isn't this pretty much the same argument people used to throw at JDG? 
Only reversed?

Emitte lucem et veritatem Maru


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