At 03:36 PM Thursday 5/24/2007, Mauro Diotallevi wrote:

>You raise an interesting and important point.  It is less expensive --
>sometimes *much* less expensive -- to each unhealthy foods than it is to eat
>healthy.  Maybe instead of subsidizing the military-industrial complex, the
>government could subsidize healthy food.  :-)
>I'm only half-way kidding.
>Mauro Diotallevi

At 03:54 PM Thursday 5/24/2007, Charlie Bell wrote:

>Not really. It's just a lot more effort to go to the market, or plan
>out your meals, than it is to just order pizza.

I was reading a series of articles and letters in 
the _Salt Lake Tribune_ recently which covered an 
experiment in Utah:  government officials were 
challenged to live for a week on the same amount 
that a similar-sized family would receive from 
the state in food stamps.  Those who believe that 
the point which Mauro makes is not important — 
that starchy foods like potatoes are much cheaper 
to get enough of to fill up to the point where 
you and your kids do not feel hungry and 
miserable all the time than fresh fruits and 
vegetables — and that the primary problem is that 
it is so much easier simply to eat out or order 
in might consider trying the same 
challenge:  find out what the state you live in 
pays a family the size of yours in food stamps 
and live on that amount.  (As some of the 
aforementioned items in the SLTrib brought out, 
it is not permitted to supplement the food which 
the food stamp amount will purchase from any 
other source, including what you may have on hand 
before beginning the experiment — most folks who 
have to apply for food stamps or other assistance 
from the government have little if anything on 
hand by the time they reach that point and 
certainly do not have the opportunity or in many 
cases the skills to plan ahead for hard times 
like that — and to be more fair and accurate, 
since food stamps are paid on a monthly basis in 
most states the experiment should last a full month rather than just a week.)

-- Ronn!  :)


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