there is a part of me that believes [...] there are already too many 
people on this planet.

Let me ask you some of the questions I ask everyone who says that:

(1)  What do you think is the maximum number of people who could? 
should? be on this planet?  (A range is acceptable, but some sort of 
more-or-less definite number is requested. 

i am not qualified to determine that, however, i reckon the planet
could support possibly three times the current population before we hit
critical mass for ecocide.   based on consumption curves and waste
parameters we probably passed the point of no return in the middle of
the baby boom 50 years ago.  my parents contributed five of us brats.  
when i was born the world population was less then half what it is now,
so to answer your last question, i should have been aborted!~)  i have
gotten more than my share of women in the family way, and married two
of them.

(2)  How do you propose to get from the current population to the
figure you gave in #1?

i don't claim to know the answer to that; there really is no humane way
to convince people to stop having kids.  in china, it resulted in a
surplus of males and a skewed rapidly aging population:
industrialized countries like germany and japan are also experiencing
aging populations:,com_csis_progj/task,view/id,815/
the labor problem is alleviated with low wage immigration, which
creates a whole host of new problems.

(3)  Would you volunteer to make the excess one less right 
now?  Justify your answer.
-- Ronn!  :)

would you?  what criteria would you use to determine who should live or
die?  i believe the problem will resolve itself.
if a solution is found it will require lifestyle changes, reduced waste
and energy consumption, no more wars and other destructive practices. 
population will decrease as third, fourth and fifth world countries
move up, but emerging super powers like china and india are already
competing for energy reserves, etc.  they want to have the same things
westerners have.
-- jon

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