We would, of course, lower drug prices if the government did hard line
negotiating on buying large quantities of the drugs.  A side effect
would be to lower the potential profitability of any new drug that are
Developing a drug is a high risk venture...

Governments could step in, but in countries with price
controls/negotiations...they haven't.  Instead, they rely on the US
providing the profits that pay for innovation, then negotiate a price
for themselves. It's not rock bottom, but that's why the same meds are
cheaper in Canada...

it that is the dynamic, dan, then anerica is sunsidizing the rest of
the world, which would be justice.  after all our capitalist system is
responsible for our affluence.  the poorest person in america is better
off than countries where people are dying of aids, or working in sweat
shops for pennies an hour, so we can buy their products at walmart...
so it goes.

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