> Dan Minette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >[not sure who wrote]

> > SImply put, the weakest area of the American
> health system is
> > preventative care. Poorer people with chronic
> conditions can end up
> > with repeated emergency hospital treatment for
> conditions which are
> > manageable with drugs which, while not cheap, are
> >far cheaper than repeated hospital admitance.
> OK, let's try to do an experimental test on this. 
> Drug coverage was just
> added to Medicare.  To the extent that your
> hypothesis is true, we would see
> a drop in hospital costs that correspond to the
> increase in prescription payments.  

The major problem with the current added coverage is
that _by law_ the gov't can't negotiate with the
pharmas for drug pricing...which will not lower health
care costs at all overall, just shift it back to the
taxpayers ultimately.
> Since I have said I support universal health care,
> the obvious conclusions
> from the above statement is that we need a radical
> retooling.

Yes; it needs to be metamorphosed, not just tweaked
here and there.

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