On 23 May 2007 at 21:38, Dan Minette wrote:

> > SImply put, the weakest area of the American health system is
> > preventative care. Poorer people with chronic conditions can end up
> > with repeated emergency hospital treatment for conditions which are
> > manageable with drugs which, while not cheap, are far cheaper than
> > repeated hospital admitance.
> OK, let's try to do an experimental test on this.  Drug coverage was just
> added to Medicare.  To the extent that your hypothesis is true, we would see
> a drop in hospital costs that correspond to the increase in prescription
> payments.  

But that doesn't prove anything. The barriers to seeing a doctor in 
America in the first place are still there (there is no chance to the 
philosophy of access, or of methods of treatment), and getting a 
prescription can be difficult for many drugs in the first place. 
(leaving aside the whole issue of the suitability of the prescription 
system in America - suffice to say that I don't think it IS 

Dawn Falcon


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