On 23 May 2007 at 10:21, Dan Minette wrote:

> And, fixing this is not as easy as Moore might suggest.  As it stands, over
> 16% of GDP is spent on health care.....and this is with a significant
> fraction of Americans obtaining sub-standard care If everyone was given the
> BMW service, this would rise to 20% to 25% quickly.  As it stands, costs are
> expected to rise to 20% within 10 years, which means that BMW care for all
> would cost 25%-30% within 10 years.  

Assuming, once more, no cost benefits. But there are.

SImply put, the weakest area of the American health system is 
preventative care. Poorer people with chronic conditions can end up 
with repeated emergency hospital treatment for conditions which are 
manageable with drugs which, while not cheap, are far cheaper than 
repeated hospital admitance.

And it improves their health as well.

Dawn Falcon


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