At 03:18 PM Thursday 4/24/2008, Dave Land wrote:
>On Apr 24, 2008, at 11:24 AM, Curtis Burisch wrote:
> >>>> What else is like this... endless "upgrades" to convince people
> >>>> that
> >> their
> >>>> perfectly good old product is obsolete?
> >
> >> The one that really gets me is razor blades.
> >
> >> Does anyone really need 5 blades vibrated by a small motor to shave?
> >> Is the new Gillette FusionPower Phenom with 5 blades and "onboard
> >> microchip for consistent power" that much better that the 4 blade
> >> model from last year or the 3 blade SensorExcel from a couple of
> >> years ago?
>This reminds me of two multi-bladed-razor bits of comedy:
>The first is a commercial by Philips for their Coolskin 2005 electric,
>which begins with a fake ad for "Quintippio" with 15 blades.
>The second is an Onion piece, "F*** Everything, We're Doing Five
>from the era when the idea of a razor with five blades was, in itself,

Also, there's "The Space Age Razor Race" in _MAD_ 
#208 (July 1979), p. 37-39, which in addition to 
the Trac LXXVI with "seventy-six cutting edges on 
a flexible head that will wrap around an entire 
face and shave it close and clean in two or three 
effortless moves"  also introduced the 
Quick-Freeze Razor, the Flame-Thrower Razor, the 
Microwave Razor, the Laser Razor, the Neutron 
Razor ("the ultimate razor of the space age . . . 
like the great neutron bomb—kills whiskers but 
doesn't harm face") and others . . .

Too Bad I Can't Attach The Article From The CD Maru

. . . ronn!  :)


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