On 24 Apr 2008 at 20:18, Max Battcher wrote:

> Andrew Crystall wrote:
> > On 24 Apr 2008 at 8:05, Nick Arnett wrote:
> > 
> >> So... I "upgraded" to Microsoft Office 2007 recently.  Can't do half of 
> >> what
> > 
> > I'd suggest upgrading further to Open Office, it's less of a change 
> > in UI from Office 2003 and costs less.
> ...and does half as much.  OpenOffice.org one of very few applications 
> that leaves me pining for my Windows system when I'm working in Ubuntu. 
>   It's pretty stupid and sometimes just painful to use.  (The next 
> biggest program that I switch to my Windows system for is Visual 
> Studio.)  There's no way that I could use OpenOffice.org daily.  I'd 
> rather use Vim.  In fact, with Vim's inline spell check (new in 7.0) I 
> have been using it a lot more for basic document writing than either 
> OO.org or Office.

The only things which are missing from Open Office are a few of the 
more obscure and advanced functions of Excel (and you can fix sheets 
up perfectly well with a little research) and functionality which is 
better situated in products other than your office suite.


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