Max Battcher wrote:
> YMMV, but for me there I get a huge dissonance from and many of 
> the things that I rely on in Office simply cannot be found.  Not to 
> start a flame war, but I could probably name a bunch of little pet 


It may well be a matter of what features one is looking
for.  I last used Open Office for editing 150 pages of
notes for a math class.  It wasn't really worth the effort
to do it in TeX, but I did need a lot of symbols.

When I've tried this kind of thing in MS-Word, it was
quite frustrating.  Every installation seemed to (not)
have different symbols, and often what looked fine on
the screen would print with lots of empty squares.
I'm sure there's a way to get MS-Word to behave properly,
but I have better things to do.

With Open Office, I downloaded and installed, and it
worked perfectly ten minutes later.  Since then, I've
never found a feature I wanted that it lacked.


GCU  Well worth the price

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