On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 1:15 AM, Dave Land <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
it is probably OK for me to say that
> the best/most cost-effective PDF output I've obtained comes free via
> the "Preview" button on every Mac OS X print dialog, and works in
> every application, not just Office.

I'll second that, but for PDF work on PC I use FoxIt and have never
had trouble with it.  Also, I've been using OpenOffice on both PC and
Mac for a while and never run across any functionality that I needed
that it didn't have.  As for no auto-save for untitled documents, I've
never had a problem with that because the first thing I do when I open
a document is to save and title it.  I'm actually pretty anal about
that.  It comes from having lost a lot of data once back before
auto-save was in vogue.

But no solution for any problem is a true "one-size-fits-all."  Some
people just don't get along with some programs, and of course there's
not a thing in the world wrong with that.

Like the Romans used to say, "De gustibus non est disputandum."

Mauro Diotallevi
Alcohol and calculus don't mix. Don't drink and derive.

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