Charlie Bell wrote:
> Yeah. The point of solar hot water is it's so cheap, and pays for
> itself very quickly (3 - 5 years) if it's installed in a new house. So
> while it'll never amount to a huge percentage, it's still an
> inexpensive way of saving a significant amount of energy. So, like
> mandating loft and wall insulation and double-glazing (and rainwater
> tanks) these are small but significant contributions that everyone can
> do. Reducing the total energy consumption of a house by 15 - 20% is a
> lot of energy that you don't need to generate!
Yeah, place every single family of the 6 Giga humans in houses
with solar power... This would  be very friendly to the environment!

Seriously, if we want to save the planet, domestic solar power should
be banned! People should live and work in the smallest possible area,
and it means packing families in huge buildings.

Alberto Monteiro

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