Great idea! I'm looking forward to meeting your extended family in your new 
tenement apartment. Especially the little kids.

> To:
> Subject: Re: Adressing Global Warming
> Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2008 14:36:53 +0000
> Charlie Bell wrote:
> >
> > Yeah. The point of solar hot water is it's so cheap, and pays for
> > itself very quickly (3 - 5 years) if it's installed in a new house. So
> > while it'll never amount to a huge percentage, it's still an
> > inexpensive way of saving a significant amount of energy. So, like
> > mandating loft and wall insulation and double-glazing (and rainwater
> > tanks) these are small but significant contributions that everyone can
> > do. Reducing the total energy consumption of a house by 15 - 20% is a
> > lot of energy that you don't need to generate!
> >
> <sarcasm>
> Yeah, place every single family of the 6 Giga humans in houses
> with solar power... This would  be very friendly to the environment!
> </sarcasm>
> Seriously, if we want to save the planet, domestic solar power should
> be banned! People should live and work in the smallest possible area,
> and it means packing families in huge buildings.
> Alberto Monteiro
> _______________________________________________

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