At 10:48 AM Sunday 4/27/2008, Alberto Vieira Ferreira Monteiro wrote:
>Charlie Bell wrote:
> >
> >> Seriously, if we want to save the planet, domestic solar power should
> >> be banned! People should live and work in the smallest possible area,
> >> and it means packing families in huge buildings.
> >
> > Solar hot water, not solar electric. Black pipes in a glass cabinet on
> > the roof.
> >
>Does it matter? The more area of the surface each family takes,
>less surface is available to the environment. People can live well
>in packed spaces, wildlife can't. So, it's immoral to allow people to
>live in houses with gardens and pools.

Which brings us righ back to the dirty little secret of the 
environmental movement:  that the real underlying problem is that 
there are by about an order of magnitude just too darn many people 
already, particularly darker-complected ones with no money who don't 
speak English well.

. . . ronn!  :)


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