On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 8:39 PM, Doug Pensinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wayne wrote:
> >
> > Seems to me, he is just pointing out the irony in the fact that the
> Green
> > Movement is a product of affluence which is a product of technology.
>  And
> > more specifically that the Green movement is antipathetic to the
> > technology
> > that has given them the time and resources  to become environmentally
> > aware.
> >
> > Am I right?
> >
> > But that's a false dichotomy.  We've become environmentally aware
> because
> > the technology is what fouls the environment.  The first time I flew
> into LA
> > in 1970 there was a thick, foul, yellow-brown haze that enveloped the
> city.
> > Did they figure out that millions of cars spewing lead tainted toxins
> was at
> > the root of the problem because they had "the time and the resources"?
> >
> > Are we then saying saying that dark complected people that don't speak
> > English very well are too stupid to understand why the food tastes funny
> and
> > makes you sick when you shit in the river upstream of where you draw
> your
> > cook-water?
> >
>  Doug
> Common Sense Maru

 I suspect that people who are caught up in the daily struggle of survival,
getting shelter, water, some grains to eat aren't placing the same weight on
environmental issues as we in the affluent countries are.


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