Dear BritDisc

Just read email concerning the lack of interest for the awards dinner,
personally i think this is due to the location rather than people not
wanting to attend.

Why was London chosen as the location?  It seems sensible to me that any
major conference and awards dinner of this type should be held in a location
which is central to the entire community (between say Birmingham and
York/Newcastle) so that it is easily accessible by a greater number of
players.  Add to that the fact the by holding it in London you are instantly
adding to the cost of things (travel, accommodation, beer) and it seems that
a poor decision was made.

I and others I know would of loved to attend by I simply can not justify the
cost implications of going - something to bear in mind for next year maybe.


PS> The Scottish teams have had to fork out more than anyone else to travel
to tournaments etc - so to ask them to fund another trip down south seems a
tad unfair
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