
Your email was going so well until the middle paragraph.

I will give the mild-mannered response - I think everyone would like to
go to a tour event with good accommodation, food, facilities, etc. Even
if there isn't a Toga-dry-cleaners on site. As people have suggested, it
would be nice to have a uniform standard at Tour A & B events, so people
don't have to adjust to anything other than the standard of play.


-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Stu Greer
Sent: 05 April 2005 16:36
Subject: Re: [BD] Tour 2 view point of issues raised by Jon Palmer

   Surley a solution to the difference in times and organisational
   problems for TDs would be to split the two tours to different venues,
   which is what I half expect to be happening this year and am
   it hasen't happened already.  This way womens and Tour A could be at
   one venue (or even two) and Tour B could be at another.

   This way tournaments could be more tailored to the participants.  ie
   Tour A could have less enthusis on parties and more on providing good
   food and accom for the old men, while Tour B could be more about
   parties to attract the beginners and students into Ultimate and could
   also have longer games like A tour.  (I know this is a generalisation
   of Tour A and B but probably true).

   This also makes it easier to schedule full games with decent gaps for
   all three competitions, and it means that venues don't have to be
   limited to ones that can hold 30+ pitches, so more people from
   different areas can bid for tournaments.
Steal #02

   >From: Darroch Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >To: George Leach
   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, >Subject: Re: [BD]
   2 view point of issues raised by Jon Palmer >Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005
   16:13:50 +0100 (BST) > >Hi George, > >I agree that smaller teams do
   find it difficult to commit >early, but I think that Hannah's point
   was that the bigger >teams could and should follow Leed's example and
   pay their >club earlier, allowing for early payment at tournaments. >
   >Tour 1 in Bristol shows that one way to get more pitch time
   >available is to start earlier. Our team managed to survive >an early
   Sunday start and win their 8am game. I hope that >there are other
   teams currently in the B Tour that would >also choose to get up early
   if it meant better length >games. > >There have been a few suggestion
   of B Tour teams being >ripped off (or at least getting fewer minutes
   for their >entry fee). While it might please some B Tour teams to get
   >better value for money, I don't want a discount for less >playing
   time. Instead I'd would prefer to get longer games >that would give
   useful insight into the effort and >commitment required to survive in
   the A Tour. > >Possum >UTB #3 > >p.s. The spelling, grammar and views
   in this email are >solely my own and don't neccessarily reflect those
   of my >team mates. > > > I don't see how this will solve the problem
   hannah. This > > may be all well and > > good for the larger teams.
   will increase, slightly, > > the number of teams > > signing up early
   but there will always be small clubs who > > want to enter Tour > >
   who cannot commit early. The problem arises due to the > > open entry
   to Tour. > > As I can't see this being abolished there will always be
   > > the danger of > > over-subscription for an event which will cause
   problems > > with pitch time. > > I do think that its unacceptable
   that Tour A gets so much > > more pitch time > > than anyone else for
   the same price. Someone questioned > > earlier why there > > isn't a
   standard game length in the UK. The question > > wasn't answered but
   > it'd be interesting to hear peoples points of view on it. > >Send
   instant messages to your online friends
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