On Mon, 7 Nov 2022 12:15:35 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie <i...@openjdk.org> wrote:

>> make/CompileInterimLangtools.gmk line 78:
>>> 76:         $(call LogInfo, Generating Preview.java for 
>>> jdk.compiler.interim)
>>> 77:         $(call MakeDir, $(@D))
>>> 78:         $(GREP) -v 'case PATTERN_SWITCH ->' $< > $@
>> I understand that you have based this on the example above. There is a huge 
>> difference, though. The sed expression just updates the package name to 
>> include the new `interim` part. These new additions seems to be designed to 
>> filter out actual code. 
>> Since no reason for this is given in comments, I'm assuming there is some 
>> code that either does not compile when building this for the interim JDK, or 
>> that gives the incorrect result if included. But that means that now 
>> suddenly the makefiles has intricate knowledge about specific lines of code 
>> in the source code! That is not a good entanglement to have.
> To be more specific: is there some way the code in Preview.java and 
> TransPatterns.java can be modified so this transmogrification is not needed?

Patched interim Preview and TransPatterns is a temporary workaround to allow 
internal use of pattern switch in the JDK sources.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/10982

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