On Fri, 18 Nov 2022 11:27:14 GMT, Magnus Ihse Bursie <i...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> Aaaahhh, **that** bug. I've run into that before. I did attempt to fix it but 
> after wasting too many hours I gave up. :-( It seems to be a limitation in m4 
> that I cannot understand how to get around. At some point, the string 
> literal, even though quoted inside the `[...]`, is expanded and parsed as m4 
> macro expansion arguments. In theory, I should have been able to add an 
> additional layer of quoting and then un-quote it once it was past the 
> problematic point, but that did not work.
> I solved the problem by not solving it, and instead rephrased the message to 
> not need the comma. (Imho, this limitation actually improved the quality of 
> the descriptions, so it was not bad per se).
> But I agree that it is annoying to have such a limitation in 
> `UTIL_DEFUN_NAMED`. If you want to have a go at trying to solve it, please 
> do! I'll fully admit my shortcomings and state that trying to solve this 
> passes my knowledge and ability to manipulate m4.
> Or, maybe, you could add some documentation to `UTIL_DEFUN_NAMED` and 
> `UTIL_ARG_WITH`, saying that comma is not allowed in the values.

Oh dear, I was looking to you for help with that one :( I'll see if there's a 
way to solve this on my end, but I really doubt I'll be able to if even you 

What I'm more worried about though is that this same issue also seems to be 
causing the problem I found when using CHECK_VALUE (see above) where it's 
actually outright deleting the square brackets in the code passed inside the 
block. I don't know why this didn't initially happen earlier when I re-ran 
configure with different options as per Erik's request, but I can verify that 
this affects all the "predicate" parameters of UTIL_ARG_WITH (IF_GIVEN, 
IF_NOT_GIVEN, etc). This is a way more serious problem that I doubt can be 
commented away with some documentation since it destroys several widely shell 
constructs that don't have any valid replacements, which is going to be pretty 

Side tangent - Is my usage of DEFAULT_DESC correct?


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/11020

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