keith, a few thoughts, ... before I've worked with linux I was a
windows guy. I remember the day (forgot the context though) when I
installed the ocaml package on my dell/windows-xp/laptop (yuk) . Since
the workflow on windows is very gui centric, you can't help to get
very sensible how a particular app looks and feels. I can tell you
those "weird" guis (tcl/tk?) scared the hell out of me and I hoped I
could get rid of the stuff without breaking the registry :-).

Anyway, I think in order to provide something that the next windows
user would like to work with, all the ocaml gui apps should be feel
very much more native.

Maybe the time would be better invested by an effort to port
Ocaml-Batteries to F#. I mean why not?

On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 3:16 PM, Ed Keith <> wrote:
> --- On Wed, 5/5/10, Eray Ozkural <> wrote:
>> Or use the real ocaml on a real OS
>> (^_^)
> I do not understand UNIX bigotry.
> Yes, Unix is technically superior to Windows. But Plan 9 is technically 
> superior to Unix. But I doubt Eray is running Plan 9.
> More computers run Windows than all other OS's combined. If you want a large 
> user base you need to support Windows. If you do not care about the size of 
> your user base, write for Plan 9.
> Personalty I try to support as many systems as practical.
> It bothers me that the Ocaml community seems to consider Windows developers 
> as second class citizens. Until this changes Ocaml will never be a main 
> stream language. F# may eat it's lunch. But F# is tied to Windows, Ocaml has 
> the potential to be multi-platform. I just wish it would live up to this 
> potential.
>   -EdK
> Ed Keith
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