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Sorry, one correction to what I just posted.

I have seen three cases where the correct space group is C2 rather than
R32.  Sometimes, at low resolution, you WILL get a solution in R32, but
the three molecules are related by non-crystallographic three-fold
symmetry in C2. Thus, there is one unique axis, the monoclinic b-axis, but
three nearly-equivalent 2-folds in R32. So yes, you should try to search
in C2, but you will have three choices of the correct b-axis if you
originally indexed in R32 since all three will look metrically equivalent.


On Thu, January 4, 2007 10:21 pm, Jenny wrote:
> ***  For details on how to be removed from this list visit the  ***
> ***          CCP4 home page http://www.ccp4.ac.uk         ***
> Hi, All
> I got a set of data of my crystal recently(2.3 A) and tried to do MR
> because it's only  several residues different from the wild type. The
> problem is that after we indexed with HK:2000, it shows the primitive
> rhombohedral space group, with the cell size
> 137.200   137.200    86.682    90.000    90.000   120.000.
> The protein is only 90 residues ( 10kDa), so looks to me the cell size
> is a little big.But anyway, we tried to use the wt structure and do
> MR, didn't find the solution for the space group R32.We also tried C
> centered monoclinic space group and primitive triclinic space group,
> didn't get any luck either.Since the crystal is grown from the
> preticipate, so I started to worry that maybe the crystal isn't my
> protein.After I checked with SDS gel of the crystal, it shows very
> similar MW as the target protein.Now I'm waiting for the sequencing
> result.
> I heard that it's quite tricky for R32 and I wondered what's that.If
> the sequence comes back to be correct, what should I do the next
> step?If MR doesn't succeed, does this mean, the new mutant protein is
> very different from the wild type?
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Jenny

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