Well - you must have 3-4 molecules in the asymmetric unit.
Does the wild type form a dimer? trimer? etc
And what is the wild type cell and spacegroup?
MR should work I think..

  Jenny wrote:

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Hi, All

I got a set of data of my crystal recently(2.3 A) and tried to do MR
because it's only  several residues different from the wild type. The
problem is that after we indexed with HK:2000, it shows the primitive
rhombohedral space group, with the cell size
137.200   137.200    86.682    90.000    90.000   120.000.

The protein is only 90 residues ( 10kDa), so looks to me the cell size
is a little big.But anyway, we tried to use the wt structure and do
MR, didn't find the solution for the space group R32.We also tried C
centered monoclinic space group and primitive triclinic space group,
didn't get any luck either.Since the crystal is grown from the
preticipate, so I started to worry that maybe the crystal isn't my
protein.After I checked with SDS gel of the crystal, it shows very
similar MW as the target protein.Now I'm waiting for the sequencing

I heard that it's quite tricky for R32 and I wondered what's that.If
the sequence comes back to be correct, what should I do the next
step?If MR doesn't succeed, does this mean, the new mutant protein is
very different from the wild type?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.



fn:Eleanor  Dodson
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