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Dear all,

after following this discussion for the last few days, I feel that I have to add my few cents worth, prompted by one of the last comments:

David Briggs schrieb:

Well done coot - any possible problem was immediately obvious.
However, other display programs I had to hand, such as Rasmol and PyMol showed no problem.

Isn't the discussion also a question of the programs we all are using and how they deal with the different potential representations of "non-visible" atoms in the pdb-file ?

I know many programs that make trouble if atoms are missing (e.g., a Lys truncated to Ala length). If the occupancy of the more distal atoms is deliberately set to zero instead, all necessary information is there: (1) no program can complain about missing atoms (and make it up from nowhere), (2) due to the occupancy set to zero, it is clear that these atoms are not visible and that the person responsible for the pdb-file intentively deleted them from refinement and density calculation, (3)due to zero occupancy, these atoms are not visible for R-factors, density calculation etc., i.e., they do no harm and (4) such a file still allows the clear distinction between large B-factors refined for residues which are still somewhat visible in the density and those atoms that are not visible and placed as "best bet".

I believe that this is the best solution to the "problem" and that the real question is rather one of the representation by different programs. (Don't hit me to hard for this statement - It's exaggerated on purpose :-) - Of course many arguments can be made in either direction and all of us have their own feelings about it.)

Best regards,

Manuel Than

Dr. Manuel E. Than

Protein Crystallography Group
Leibniz Institute for Age Research -
Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI)
Beutenbergstraße 11
D-07745 Jena

Tel.: ++49 3641 65 6170
Fax.: ++49 3641 65 6335


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