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1) is it even possible to observe any arbitrary, completely, truly
disordered molecule (besides bulk solvent - vide infra) in the crystalline
state with x-ray diffraction?

i.e.  can anyone cite a published crystal structure of totally disordered
small molecules, or even intrinsically disordered proteins observed in the
crystalline environment? (given that it can form _any_ lattice to begin

2) if so, what says the x, y, z, B, occupancy assumptions - that atoms are
sufficiently ordered to begin with, if i understand - are even close to
describing such a distribution?  i.e. how would we know disordered
molecules when we see them (or not)?

3) if a correction could be made, wouldn't such a correction be at least
correlated with a bulk solvent correction, anisotropic scaling, or other
treatments for diffuse scatter?


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