Hi -

I don't think there is something necessarily wrong with the values you report.

A few questions to see *if* something is wrong are:

- as you wrote to Tim you have NCS: do you use NCS restraints ?
- what is the resolution / B factor of the data ?
- have the data been checked for twining ? (phenix.xtriage)
- is the N-term domain of one copy really invisible (then indeed do remove ...!)
- has TLS been used ?
- did you add waters ? (too many?)

I guess then we can make better suggestions if something is wrong and if so how its best to fix.


> I refined a structure with Refmac in CCP4i and the R/Rfree is 0.215/0.277. The difference between R and Rfree is too much even though I used 0.01 for weighting term in the refinement (the default value is 0.3). The RMSD for bond length and bond angle is 0.016 A and 1.7 degree.

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