I would agree that the difference is suspiciously high. I. Tickle and others have published analytical expressions for how to estimate the ratio between R and Rfree, just google for "tickle rfree" to find the references.

You easily achieve a large difference by adding too many waters which just model noise. There may be other reasons for which more knowledge about the structure is required. Do you have large unmodelled regions, like loops that do not show in the density map?


Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


On Mon, 4 Feb 2008, Sun Tang wrote:

Hello All,

I refined a structure with Refmac in CCP4i and the R/Rfree is 0.215/0.277. The 
difference between R and Rfree is too much even though I used 0.01 for 
weighting term in the refinement (the default value is 0.3). The RMSD for bond 
length and bond angle is 0.016 A and 1.7 degree.

What may be wrong with the over-refined structure? What is the reason for 
leading to an over-refined structure? How to avoid it?

Best wishes,

Sun Tang

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