CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> wrote on 12/04/2008 10:16:02

> Dear all,
> we would like to purchase a UV spectrometer for measuring protein
> concentrations (280nm), and I would like to here your comments and
> especially recommendations.
> We don't need anything fancy, a small, fast device would be sufficient.
> Tim

Hi Tim -

I'm going to add my voice to the chorus for the Nanodrop.  It's small - the
size of a Kleenex box (plus a computer to run it).  It's fast - you'll have
a reading within two minutes of walking up to the bench, and that includes
cleaning, initializing, and blanking the instrument.  You can probably
process 2-3 samples a minute if you're efficient since the actual
measurement takes only a few seconds.  There are no quartz cuvettes to
wash, indeed no cuvettes at all - you just pipet 2 ul of your sample onto
the measurement pedestal.  Cleanup is a breeze - just wipe with a damp
Kimwipe and you're done.  The light source (xenon flash lamp) doesn't need
to warm up and I've never had to change the bulb.

The software is efficient and simple - you can do a table of measurements
at a single wavelength, or full spectra in whatever wavelength range you
want (from 190-720 nm).  It measures 1 mm and 0.1 mm path lengths then
combines the spectra, so you can use a broad range of sample concentrations
without dilution - very useful for 50 mg/ml crystallization stocks!  It can
also do more sophisticated analysis, such as analyzing dye labeling
efficiency by deconvoluting the dye absorbance spectrum from the protein
absorbance spectrum.

If you get one, you'll never want to go back to the old way.  (And no, they
didn't pay me to say this!)

- Matt

Matthew Franklin , Ph.D.
Senior Scientist, ImClone Systems
180 Varick Street, 6th floor
New York, NY 10014
phone:(917)606-4116   fax:(212)645-2054

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